Virtual interview tips for candidates
18 Dec, 20245 minutes
A lot has changed in the last few years across employment, job applications, interviews and workday life. It’s been a tough transition for many, with business structures and hiring practices being shaken up on a massive scale. Many candidates have found their work environments changing exponentially, with the need to adapt accordingly. This can include taking part in virtual interviews, virtual onboarding, and remote working.
The dawn of the virtual interview
Post-pandemic, many organisations now conduct online and video call interviews. Especially remotely, it is important to ensure you are presenting yourself in the best way possible. It's also important to execute your interview responses in a way that showcases your talents to best effect.
It’s not always easy to get everything you’d like across virtually, so to help ensure you are fully prepared, we’ve put together a good practice guide:
Prepare for your role thoroughly
This seems fairly obvious, but you should be putting the same effort into a virtual interview as you would a face to face one. Ensure you have researched the company, role, vision and values, as well as the person/people who are interviewing you. Look them up on social media and get a feel for who they are and the topics they post and engage in. Get to know their personalities as much as you can.
Prepare yourself mentally
It’s important to feel and come across calm and collected. Find a quiet space and become centred and ‘in your zone’. If it helps, make use of meditation and breathing techniques, affirmations or positive reinforcement.
Showcase your own personality
This can actually be much harder virtually, so it will require some thought. How will you demonstrate who you are and what you consider your best traits? How you will build rapport? It is important to get off to a positive start, so plan ahead.
If the interview itself doesn’t bring out the best in you, consider how you will get this across in the pre and post dialogue. Remember you can use your background to portray yourself in the most appropriate way. Consider the use of backdrops and props to showcase who you are, especially if they align with the interests of those interviewing you.
Make sure your tech works
This will often be your first test and will show you are a capable user of new technology. Don't fall at the first hurdle! Do a test run beforehand, practice with someone and get it right before the interview. This will also help minimise some of those pre-interview nerves.
Create the right environment
Ensure you will have no distractions or disruptions. Eliminate background noise, get the lighting right, and make sure the sound is good quality. Remember to turn off your phone and any other notifications that may interrupt the discussion. Consider the space around you.
There is an opportunity to make use of any wall space behind the screen and/or around your screen. This could be used for useful prompts which would enable you to maintain eye contact throughout the interview.*
Create the right impression
You will be viewed in a smaller, more compact space than a normal interview, so it is helpful if you can stay still. Moving around too much can be distracting. Make best use of silence and gaps, allow them to finish the question and avoid interrupting.*
*These tips may not be easy if you have a neurodiverse condition. If you feel comfortable doing so, let them know in advance, so they are aware or can make adjustments for you. Most organisations are supportive of any disabilitites which might affect your interview, so if comfortable doing so, have a chat beforehand about any concerns.
Dress appropriately
What would you wear to a face to face interview? Follow the same principle and dress according to how you want to come across. It will not only give a good impression and show you are fully prepared, it’s also a lot less distracting knowing you are dressed for the occasion.
Ask questions and take notes
It’s important to show you are keen to find out more about the role and what you can bring to it. What are their future visions and expectations? How might you be a positive influence in driving this forward? What are you passionate about that aligns with their organisational values and outlook? How will you put this across in a virtual interview?
You may find it is harder to understand the culture of the organisation you are interviewing for virtually so come prepared with specific questions to help you understand the environment.
Be yourself
As with a face to face interview, its important to be authentic and bring your own personal unique qualities to the fore. It’s also important to find out if your own personality and energy is a good fit with the organisation and that you have the potential to be happy within that environment. Express yourself and your values clearly, don’t be afraid to be you.
Remember, it can be more difficult to build rapport online. You may need to ‘dial up’ your energy to ensure you showcase your personality in the right way.
Follow up
If you haven’t heard back within the specified time, follow up with the hiring team and ask for feedback. Even if you have not been successful this time, bank the experience and build from the feedback.
Remember also that the organisations you are applying to may be getting to grips with their own virtual hiring practices. They may well get things patchy in places as they navigate their way. Be considerate of this, and don’t take it as a personal failure if the interview didn’t work out this time.
Finally, believe in yourself - success in virtually around the corner!